Kulturnattkonsert: Magdaléna Manderlová & Michael Duch
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayTRONDHEIM KULTURNATT: KONSERT @ THE ATMOSPHERICS 9! Konsert med [...]
Gunhild Mathea Olaussen
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayGunhild Mathea Olaussens installasjon «Interferens» tar utgangspunkt i interferens og svevninger i vårt menneskelige sanseapparat, som fenomen, metode og kunstnerisk tematikk. Arbeidet er komponert i polyrytmikk over et utvidet stemmespekter av atten interfererende glassplater, gips og fargepigment, kvinnevokal, perkusjon og partitur trykket i letterpress.
Christian Blom
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayTreverk, svart stål, hesjestreng, gitarstreng, kobbertråd, gummistrikk, blikkboks, fiskesene, hyssing, sytråd, blylodd, bjelle, fløyte, belg, lys, elektronikk, programvare og datamaskin.
Det finnes en liten knapp opplyst av en diode, denne er montert på et stativ som stikker ut fra installasjonen. Grensesnittet mot publikum minner om teknisk museum og modelljernbanens startknapp. Når dioden er opplyst kan publikum trykke for å sette i gang en musikk og al-Khowarizmis Mekaniske Orkester spiller et forslag til en musikk, som for å si: dette kan også være musikk, eller: slik kan man organisere lyd, lys og bevegelse i et musikalsk forløp.
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Meta.Morf X – Digital Wild / Group exhibition
TKM – Gråmølna Trenerysgt. 9, Trondheim, NorwayToday, about sixty years into the digital revolution, a substantial share of our society is fully digitized. The digital domain has come to be our new habitat, seamlessly intertwined with ourselves and our surrounding nature. The undergrowth of new technologies and their practical implementations is immense. This digital wilderness develops and expands at an exponentially accelerating pace. Our perceptions of life are challenged, we have become architects of artificial ecologies, of new and hybrid worlds. Artistic and scientific research continuously challenge our perspectives on life with philosophical and existential questions, and the artist plays as never before a crucial role as conveyor and interpreter of new knowledge and research. [Read more...]
THE AGREEMENT | Eirik Havnes
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayThe Agreement is an installation based on feedback through eight circular saw blades using contact microphones and tactile transducers. Each saw blade generates a feedback loop which produces a set of frequencies that resonates in the blade itself. When the different saw blades are fed into each other, creating new and bigger feedback loops, new tones appear, and the only frequencies that will be heard are those that the included blades have in common. In this way, the installation will always create new tones and frequencies, all depending on which saw blades that are connected to each other.
HISS | Magdaléna Manderlová
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayHISS is a poetic work and in its core lies our relationship to nature. The work is grounded in the fields of acoustic ecology and listening practices, and pays attention to surrounding soundscapes.
REALNESS – CLOUD AND DUST | Sandrine Deumier
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayDesigned in multiple scenes, Realness - Cloud and Dust is an artificial space of vegetal luxuriance with semi-humanoid growths. A virtual fantasy of a symbiosis between the human being and his natural environment. With her dual philosophical and artistic training, Sandrine Deumier constructed a multifaceted poetry focused on the issue of technological change and the performative place of poetry conceived through new technologies. Using material from the word as image and the image as a word vector, she also works at the junction of video and sound poetry considering them as sensitive devices to express a form of unconscious material itself. The process of writing and the mobile material of the image function as underlying meanings of reflux which refer to the real flickering and to their reality transfers via unconscious thought structures. Her work consists mainly of texts, digital poetry, multimedia installations and audiovisual performances in collaboration with composers.
THE KITTY AI | Pinar Yoldas
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayVideo installation, 2016 / It is the year 2039. An artificial intelligence with the affective capacities of a kitten becomes the first non-human governor. She leads a politician-free zone with a network of Artificial Intelligences. She lives in mobile devices of the citizens and can love up to 3 Million people. Read more...
FLORIS KAAYK | The Origin of Creatures
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayVideo installation / 12:05 min. The Origin of Creatures [...]
JULIANE SCHÜTZAll Constraints Are Beautiful
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayAll Constraints Are Beautiful Video- og fotoinstallasjon / Juliane [...]
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayDEN VARME PUSTEN PÅ RUTA Lyd-, lys- og videoinstallasjon [...]
ELEKTRONISK KUNST I NORGEBind I: Kunstnere og verk fra 1960 til 2020
Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Kongensgt. 2, Trondheim, NorwayELEKTRONISK KUNST I NORGE – Bind I: Kunstnere og [...]
DANIEL VINCENT HANSENTo Commune with the Stars
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayVideo still: Daniel Vincent Hansen - To commune with the stars.
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayMixed media, robotikk, supercollider, lyd, lys, video / 2018 [...]
DISNOVATION.ORG | Life Support System
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayMeta.Morf 2022 – Ecophilia / TEKS.studio / Exhibition May [...]
SCREENS revived and revisited, 1997 – 2022 /Kurator: Jeremy Welsh
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayVideoprogram: Centuryfuge, Ivar Smedstad / Travelling Fields, Inger Lise Hansen / Uns-Table, Øyvind Brandtsegg, Tijs Ham, Apichiya Wanthiang, Jeremy Welsh / Flytestein, Kaia Hugin / Arkitektur, urbanisme, situasjonisme, overvåking, teknologi, offentlig kunst, samarbeide, videointervju med Vibeke Jensen / Reconstruction V, Lene Grenager, Michael Francis Duch, Jeremy Welsh. Kurator: Jeremy Welsh
The Anthropocene Cookbook @ Nordic Food Forum
DIGS Krambugata 2, TrondheimThe Anthropocene Cookbook @ Nordic Food Forum In the [...]
How to read water #5 / Anna Thu Schmidt, Hanne Dahl Geving, Thea Ellingsen Grant
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayPhoto: Hanne Dahl Geving How to read water #5 [...]
TRONDHEIM OPEN 2022, Performance: How to read water #5 / Anna Thu Schmidt, Hanne Dahl Geving, Thea Ellingsen Grant
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayPhoto: Hanne Dahl Geving How to read water #5 [...]
The Anthropocene Cookbook / Zane Cerpina, Stahl Stenslie
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayTHE ANTHROPOCENE COOKBOOK Oppskrifter og muligheter for fremtidige katastrofer [...]
Embodied Experiences / Ståle Stenslie
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayEmbodied Experiences / 17. februar – 9. april, 2023 Voice [...]
Humanoil / Hege Tapio
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayApril 20 – May 14, 2023 / Opening Thursday [...]
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayA TASTE OF ARCHITECTURE – Degustation evening! Gilles Schneider: Presentation [...]
Endgame/ Wasteland | Martinus Suijkerbuijk
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayMartinus Suijkerbuijk | Endgame/Wasteland June 2 – July 30, [...]
Lick Pick Kick | Maren Dagny Juell
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayLICK PICK KICK / 08.09 – 29.10.2023 LICK PICK [...]
Intersected Waterbodies | Ase Brunborg Lie
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayINTERSECTED WATERBODIES 17. november – 14. januar, 2023 Mixed [...]
lys hvitt · lyd hvit || light white · sound white – Luz María Sánchez
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayFebruary 9 – March 31, 2024 Audio visual installation. [...]
EJECTOR / Tim Høibjerg
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayEJECTOR (2023-24) Meta.Morf 2024 – [up]Loaded Bodies / TEKS.studio [...]
Kulturnatt Trondheim 2024 – Tommy Olsson spiller ekte grammofonplater!
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayKulturnatt Trondheim 2024 – Tommy Olsson spiller ekte grammofonplater
TANGLE / Joel Hynsjö & Øystein Fjeldbo
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayLyd- og videoinstallasjon, mixed media. TANGLE er en generativ [...]