Meta.Morf Retrospektiv: Erik Olofsen – Public Figures [Videoinstallasjon]
TEKS Nedre Bakklandet 20C, Trondheim, NorwayVideo installation 2007 / The platform of a subway station is turned into a stage uniting public and private matters. The public space, which we perceive as a hectic, vibrant and noisy, is quiesced and suddenly we can perceive minimal gestures and intimate moments, which are normally not visible to the human eye.
Truls Waagø: Sonor Color [Generativ videoinstallasjon]
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwaySonor Color, et uendelig foranderlig bilde. Forhåndsopptak av lydbilder i kombinasjon med sanntidslytting genererer ved hjelp av videogeneratoren “The Synchronator” et levende og uendelig foranderlig elektronisk maleri. The Synchronator er utviklet av Nederlandske Bas van Koolwijk og Gert-Jan Prins.
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TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwaySONIC GESTURES 2019 er en lyd- og videoinstallasjon som består av seks synkroniserte videoer med fragmenterte bilder av gester og bevegelse. Installasjonen presenterer oss for et virtuelt kor av av babbling, hvisking, synging og lydlige former i stadig forandring.
SONIC GESTURES 2019 is a video installation that consists of six frame-locked channels of video composed of fragmented gestural images with sound. The installation presents the audience with a virtual chorus of chattering, whispering, singing, and ever transforming sonic entities.
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Jeremy Welsh / Trond Lossius
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayThe Atmospherics er et samarbeidsprosjekt av Trond Lossius og Jeremy Welsh, påbegynt i 2014, som en forlengelse av temaer de jobbet med innenfor det kunstneriske forskningsprosjektet Re:Place ved Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen, 2012-2013. Basert på feltopptak med flerkanals digital lyd og HD/4K video, har prosjektet så langt omfattet flere installasjoner og visninger.
Kulturnattkonsert: Magdaléna Manderlová & Michael Duch
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayTRONDHEIM KULTURNATT: KONSERT @ THE ATMOSPHERICS 9! Konsert med [...]
REALNESS – CLOUD AND DUST | Sandrine Deumier
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayDesigned in multiple scenes, Realness - Cloud and Dust is an artificial space of vegetal luxuriance with semi-humanoid growths. A virtual fantasy of a symbiosis between the human being and his natural environment. With her dual philosophical and artistic training, Sandrine Deumier constructed a multifaceted poetry focused on the issue of technological change and the performative place of poetry conceived through new technologies. Using material from the word as image and the image as a word vector, she also works at the junction of video and sound poetry considering them as sensitive devices to express a form of unconscious material itself. The process of writing and the mobile material of the image function as underlying meanings of reflux which refer to the real flickering and to their reality transfers via unconscious thought structures. Her work consists mainly of texts, digital poetry, multimedia installations and audiovisual performances in collaboration with composers.
THE KITTY AI | Pinar Yoldas
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayVideo installation, 2016 / It is the year 2039. An artificial intelligence with the affective capacities of a kitten becomes the first non-human governor. She leads a politician-free zone with a network of Artificial Intelligences. She lives in mobile devices of the citizens and can love up to 3 Million people. Read more...
FLORIS KAAYK | The Origin of Creatures
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayVideo installation / 12:05 min. The Origin of Creatures [...]
JULIANE SCHÜTZAll Constraints Are Beautiful
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayAll Constraints Are Beautiful Video- og fotoinstallasjon / Juliane [...]
DANIEL VINCENT HANSENTo Commune with the Stars
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayVideo still: Daniel Vincent Hansen - To commune with the stars.
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayMixed media, robotikk, supercollider, lyd, lys, video / 2018 [...]
SCREENS revived and revisited, 1997 – 2022 /Kurator: Jeremy Welsh
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayVideoprogram: Centuryfuge, Ivar Smedstad / Travelling Fields, Inger Lise Hansen / Uns-Table, Øyvind Brandtsegg, Tijs Ham, Apichiya Wanthiang, Jeremy Welsh / Flytestein, Kaia Hugin / Arkitektur, urbanisme, situasjonisme, overvåking, teknologi, offentlig kunst, samarbeide, videointervju med Vibeke Jensen / Reconstruction V, Lene Grenager, Michael Francis Duch, Jeremy Welsh. Kurator: Jeremy Welsh
TRONDHEIM OPEN 2022, Performance: How to read water #5 / Anna Thu Schmidt, Hanne Dahl Geving, Thea Ellingsen Grant
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayPhoto: Hanne Dahl Geving How to read water #5 [...]
Humanoil / Hege Tapio
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayApril 20 – May 14, 2023 / Opening Thursday [...]
Endgame/ Wasteland | Martinus Suijkerbuijk
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayMartinus Suijkerbuijk | Endgame/Wasteland June 2 – July 30, [...]
TANGLE / Joel Hynsjö & Øystein Fjeldbo
TEKS.Studio Nedre Bakklandet 20 C, Trondheim, NorwayLyd- og videoinstallasjon, mixed media. TANGLE er en generativ [...]