“making sense”
Workshop i grunnleggende datakontroll av fysiske installasjoner med utgangspunkt i Basic Stamp.
Kurset er over 4 og en halv dag, kvelden tirsdag 26. oktober til og med lørdag 30. oktober i TEKS´ lokaler. Workshopen åpner med en historisk innføring i telerobotisk kunst.
Deltaker avgift kr. 400,-. Send en epost til teks@teks.no om du vil delta.
Fordel med egen datamaskin.
Workshopen holdes av Erich Berger som noen av dere nettopp møtte under Trondheim Matchmaking.
“making sense”
physical computing for artistic purpose
Media art has often a highly technical demand on the side of both, software and hardware. A big issue, for artists who are working in this field of art. Physical computing is about how to interface a computer and its software to the world of the user that “they” are able to get “in touch”. The workshop aims to introduce a hard and software environment which makes it possible for less technical experienced artists and practitioners to start with physical computing.
accopanying the workshop will be a lecture about the history of telerobotic art.
“making sense” is a research and knowledge producing project about physical-computing for artistic purpose produced at Atelier Nord, directed by Erich Berger and supported by PNEK.
GRATIS WORKSHOP i nettverksamarbeid og streaming media!.
I forbindelse med TRONDHEIM MATCHMAKING 2004 arrangerer TEKS i samarbeide med Kunstakademiet i Trondheim workshop med John Hopkins, nomade, med arbeidstittelen:
( vis a vis Solsiden, inngang mot byen) /
TID: Lørdag 09. oktober – onsdag 13. oktober. Oppmøte kl. 12.00.
I forbindelse med workshopen gir John Hopkins en åpen forelesing på KIT, tirsdag 04. oktober. Tid ikke fastsatt. Henvendelse KIT: 73597900. John blir selvfølgelig også å treffe på Trondheim Matchmaking.
The keywords of the title form the dynamic core to a wide-ranging workshop/seminar that explores the fundamentals of creativity from a socially aware and personally-centered perspective. Focusing on the possibilities of networks, through discussion, hands-on experience, and exercises it is a critical exploration of a variety of practical, conceptual, and theoretical tools, technologies, and situations. Moving beyond the simplistic materialist formula of product and process, it sets a strong foundation for an engaged and radical creative praxis that is energized by principled and wholistic understanding.
The workshop is ideal for students working in any creative discipline; it is designed to draw in a wide range of students, from those working with more ‘traditional’ art materials all the way to programmers and engineers. It is also extremely useful to producers, curators, managers and others who are dealing with contemporary landscapes of technological development and cultural production. The material covered is highly relevant to political and social activists and others working in areas of human relation. Specific technical knowledge is NOT necessary, as many of the topics touched upon are prerequisites to empowered, creative, and critical use of any technology.
The article “1 + 1 = 3″ is a brief sketch of some of the ideas that are typically introduced in the workshop.
Questions can be directed to John Hopkins (hopkins@neoscenes.net).
Workshopen vil for den som ønsker det også gi grunnleggende innføring i praktisk streaming teknologi.
Som en aktiv nettverkbygger med bakgrunn i vitenskap og kunst, har Hopkins holdt workshops i 15 land og jobber for tida med live/online streaming media performance og nettverksamarbeid. Han har vært student hos den eksperimentelle filmmakeren Stan Brakhage ved University of Colorado på sent 80-tall. Han var nettopp artist-in-residence ved Sibelius Akademi´s Senter for Musikk og Teknologi i Helsinki.