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All Constraints Are Beautiful

Video- og fotoinstallasjon / Juliane Schütz / 2021

Stop-motion animasjon, inkjet print / Analog fotofilm, ammoniakk, alkohol, aceton, kullsyreholdig vann, klor, ild.

All Constraints Are Beautiful er en video- og fotoinstallasjon som bryter med den “normale” fotoprosessen – eksponering, utvikling, inntrykk – gjennom fysisk å manipulere en 35 mm filmrull.

I motsetning til vanlig bruk der en fotofilm benyttes som
et lerret for en fotografs visjon av verden, utforsker Schütz i dette prosjektet en ny og annen form for liv ved å la filmen utvikle sin egen uttrykksform. Gjennom å bearbeide mediematerialet med bruk av husholdningsremedier som ammoniakk, vodka, klorin, neglelakkfjerner, kullsyrevann og en lighter, “fremkaller” Schütz filmrullens iboende kjemiske egenskaper.

Filmen skaper dermed sin egen metahistorie, prosessen i seg selv blir målet, og den digitale dokumentasjonen av veien mot total ødeleggelse fanger øyeblikk av skjønnhet.


Video and photo installation / Juliane Schütz / 2021

Stop-motion animation, inkjet print / Analog photo film, ammonia, alcohol, aceton, carbonated water, chlorine, fire.

All Constraints Are Beautiful is a video and photo installation that disrupts the “normal” photo process – exposure, development, impression – through physical manipulation of a 35 mm film roll.

In contrast to common practice where a photo film is used as a canvas for a photographer’s vision of the world, Schütz in this project explores a new and different form of life by letting the film develop its own form of expression. Through manipulating the media material using household remedies such as ammonia, vodka, chlorine, nail polish remover, carbonated water and a lighter, Schütz “develops” the inherent chemical properties of the film roll.

In this way the film creates its own meta-story, the process itself becomes the goal, and the digital documentation of the path to total destruction captures moments of beauty.

#nofilter #soakuplikethis

Juliane Schütz is a media artist, photographer and videographer from Jena, Germany. Growing up in the German Democratic Republic, her parents taught her how to improvise with what was available rather than grieving over the things that were not. Driven by these underlying convictions her childhood implied, and experiencing some sort of epiphany when attending front-end dev manager Charlie Owen’s talk “All Constraints Are Beautiful” at the creators’ conference “beyond tellerrand” in Düsseldorf, Juliane now deliberately incorporates the beauty of facing and mastering constraints into her daily life as an artist. She happily embraces and integrates all those little glitches, mishaps and coincidences, gives them room to grow, and deliberately explores methods to “fail even better” the next time.

Being fascinated by the Hipstamatic app in the mid 2000s, which allows you to apply random digital retro filters, camera lenses, film types or light leaks to your iphone photos in order to imitate analog photography, Juliane soon picked up her first real film camera in order to create the same results from scratch. After years of experimenting with analog film in her kitchen, she now presents her deep dive into the world of film-souping, and how something as analog as the 35mm film rolls found its beautiful anthesis in her digitised present in Trondheim, Norway in 2021.



September 10, 2021
October 10, 2021
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Nedre Bakklandet 20 C
Trondheim, 7014 Norway
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