

TEKS har gleden av å invitere til:

– – – – – – – -workshop i CIRCUITBENDING- – – – – – – –

med Audun Eriksen

Mandag 29. januar starter årets første workshop på TEKS, en innføring i circuitbending med Audun Eriksen.

Vi kortslutter elektroniske audio-leker på jakt etter spennende lyder. Med loddebolt og forskjellige enkle elektroniske komponenter tar vi kontroll over kortslutningene og transformerer lekene til unike “musikkinstrument”.

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper innen elektronikk . Du trenger heller ikke forstå hvordan det virker. Hvis det høres bra ut og ikke lukter brent, så er alt ok!-)

På dette kurset vil vi i tillegg gå igjennom enkle interface mellom forskjellige leker, og mellom leker og datamaskin eller andre enheter. Du tar selv med en leke du vil “bende”. Denne må være batteridrevet (se gjerne http://www.anti-theory.com før du kjøper noe). I tillegg må du regne med å bruke et par hundre kroner på komponenter (brytere, fotomotstander osv.) Dette fåes kjøpt hos TEKS.

Workshopen går over ca. 16 timer.

Mandag – fredag 29.1 – 2.2

13.00 – 16.00

Oppmøte i TEKS’ lokaler mandag 29.1 kl. 13.00

Deltakeravgift kr. 250,- Send en mail til teks@teks.no for påmelding.

Audun Eriksen kortsluttet sin første leke i 1996 og har brukt leker på konserter og i studio siden da, bl.a. i musikk- og performancegruppa The Four. http://www.auduneriksen.com

Reed Ghazala, circuitbendingens “far”, har holdt på med dette fenomenet i 25 år: http:www.anti-theory.com -Fin site med instrumentgalleri, instrumentsalg, lydgalleri, instruksjoner i curcuitbending, eksperimentell fotografering og “anti-teori”.

NB!! Hvis du ikke kan vente på å komme i gang, les sikkerhetsreglene på http://www.anti-theory.com før du begynner!!

Påmeldingsfrist: 25. januar NB! begrenset antall deltagere; først til mølla-prinsippet gjelder.



2007 up and running!

Dear TEKS friends!

2007 is already long up and running, and so are we at TEKS (but Happy New Year to you all anyway)!

We have got an exiting year ahead of us, where TEKS amongst others has it´s 5th anniversary! Count on a real birthday party!

2006 was a record breaking year when it comes to number of participants and audiences taking part in TEKS´ events, with Trondheim Matchmaking 06 as the very peak. But good reviews and happy participants and audiences obligates! We hope we will be able to live up to the expectations for this year’s events, and promise we’ll make the very best out of the fundings we’ve got at our disposal.

Trondheim Matchmaking.

2006 was our first year of government funding, and for a moment we probably allowed ourselves to be a bit too optimistic regarding TEKS’s financial future. The core fundings we luckily are being granted on a regular basis, covers 1,6 positions at TEKS pluss rent and other basic expenses for running the organization. I.e. all projects we do, have to be financially covered by additional funding. 50% of last year’s income was based on external fundings we can´t expect receiving in 2007. This will affect our festival, Trondheim Matchmaking, and other projects, unless we are not able to produce enough extra fundings through the year.


A project we have received funding for is “Meta.Morf” -a three year pilot project for developing an international art biennial in Trondheim. We have received funding from the Arts Council Norway, Trondheim City Council and Sør-Trøndelag County Council for, through the next three years, to develop an exhibition concept. Espen now leads this project. Former director at the Norwegian National Museum, Sune Nordgren, is engaged for leading a reference group connected to the project.

More information to come. Look out!

Because of Meta.Morf being fully financed, we will in 2007 be able to engage new co-workers at TEKS in part time positions, replacing parts of Espen´s earlier position at TEKS.


The first three months of the year is time for reports, accounting and applications. Still we are giving two workshops in February and March in circuit- and video bending and instrument-/ boxbuilding. The first will cover the basics of circuit bending, and is lead by Audun Eriksen. It will give fundamental understanding for participating in the follow up workshop in March, by Karl Klomp, where video bending is the main issue. Details and information on how to register to follow soon.

DVD/ CD printing and film scanning.

We can now offer DVD and CD printig in volumes almost at a cost price! The discs can be printed with your motif of choice. Contact us for prices. In near future we will also be able to offer high resolution scanning of several different film formats, negatives and slides.

2007 is def. up and running, a warm thank you to all our good helpers and supporting partners in 2006!

best regards from Trine and Espen
