THE IRON RING – Cecilia Jonsson
June 7, 2019 @ 19:00 – August 4, 2019 @ 17:00
THE IRON RING | Cecilia Jonsson, 2013
Mixed media-installasjon: Imperata cylindrica gress / Jern-artefakter / Video / Bok
Der ”grønn gruvedrift” sikter mot en generelt mer bærekraftig drift, utforsker The Iron Ring i stedet hvordan forurensede gruveområder kan brukes til å utvinne metaller fra planteliv rundt gruvene og på samme tid restituere områdene. I dette prosjektet har 24 kg jernkontaminert gress fra et gruveområde blitt omgjort til en 2 gram tung jernring.
Jern er essensielt for å opprettholde liv og har en lavere toksisitet enn andre metaller. Svært omfattende eller forlatte gruveområder har imidlertid ført til at metallutslipp har økt radikalt med store skader på økosystemet som konsekvens. Jern-hyperakkumulerende planter kan trekke ut uorganisk jern fra jordsmonnet og trives derfor i slike områder. Plantene tar til seg metallet og innkapsler det i ekstremt høye konsentrasjoner i røtter, stilker og blader. For å effektivt rense forurenset jord med denne type vekster må imidlertid prosessen baseres på menneskelig interaksjon gjennom innhøsting. Plantenes biomasse må fjernes fra bakken før plantene visner om høsten og metallet tilbakeføres jordsmonnet. Innhøsting bidrar i tillegg til fremvekst av nye planter og sikrer videreføring av renseprosessen året etter.
The Iron Ring gjør nytte av det naturlig viltvoksende gresset “Imperata Cylindrica”. Dette er en aggressiv og viltvoksende gresstype med en noe oversett egenskap til å hyperakkumulere jern. Innhøsting av gresset kan blant annet bidra til økologisk rehabilitering av forlatte jerngruveområder.
I The Iron Ring tas publikum med gjennom prosjektets ulike forsøk, fiaskoer og triumfer. Utvinningsprosessen er utført i nært samarbeid med lokale bønder, smeder, forskere og teknikere. Installasjonen består av videodokumentasjon og ulike gjenstander som forteller om de syv kronologiske trinnene som var påkrevd for å skape en jernring fra 24 kg gress, høstet fra en forsuret elvebredde i et landskap totalt forvandlet av 5000 års gruvedrift.
Prosjektet inkluderer i tillegg en bok inneholdende et visuelt essay om prosessen bak The Iron Ring, en tekst som ser på prosjektet fra et miljøvernsperspektiv og en tekst av professor James Jackson Griffith som drøfter The Iron Ring fra et økofilosofisk perspektiv.
Mixed media installation: Imperata cylindrica grass / Iron artefacts / Video / Book
While “green mining” aims for a more ecological approach to mining metals, The Iron Ring explores how contaminated mining grounds may benefit from the mining of metals. For The Iron Ring, 24 kg of iron-tainted grass was removed from contaminated mining grounds and transformed into a ring of 2 g metallic iron.
Iron is considered very important to life in general and has a lower toxicity than other metals. Extensive or abandoned metal mines and industrial activities have, however, caused metal releases into the ecosystem to accelerate and reach toxic levels. So-called iron hyper-accumulating plants are tolerant to inorganic iron and can grow on these degraded grounds. There they extract the metal from the soil to store it in very high concentrations inside their roots, stems and leaves. The means of “cleaning” the polluted soil however, is a periodical commitment that relies on human interaction: harvest. The plants’ metal enriched biomass (in other words, their contaminated biological materials) needs to be removed from the ground before the plants by season wilt and the extracted metal reverts back to the soil. So that after the harvest is removed, new sprouts can grow to continue the decontamination process.
The project elaborates on the possibilities to utilise the cleansing process of the naturalised, wild growing grass: Imperata cylindrica. An invasive vile weed, which overlooked tolerance and ability to hyper accumulate iron inside its roots, stems and leaves are left un-utilised. The Iron Ring proposes to harvest the grass for the purpose of extracting the ore that is inside them. The result is a scenario for iron mining that, instead of furthering destruction, could actually contribute to the environmental rehabilitation of abandoned metal mines.
The Iron Ring installation takes a visitor through the project’s trials and failures, in a process of close collaboration with smiths, scientists, technicians and farmers met along the way. The installation consists of artefacts and video documentation that reports on the seven chronological steps that were required to create an iron ring out of 24 kg of grass harvested from the acidic river banks of a landscape in Spain severely transformed by opencast mining.
Photos: Stina Glømmi & Carina Hesper. Video stills: Cecilia Jonsson
The Iron Ring er utviklet med støtte fra | The Iron Ring is developed with support from:
PNEK – Produksjonsnettverk for elektronisk kunst / V2_ Institute for Unstable Media / Norsk Kulturråd.
Spesiell takk til | Special thanks to: Linda Tulldahl / Silvia Czaia / Antonio Serrano / Laboratory Services International / Eric Hulsman / Thijs van de Manakker / Marnix de Nijs / Eva Brita Åkerlund / Odd B. Gaustad, Rolls-Royce Bergen Foundry / Toni Bogdanoff & Esbjörn Ollas, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Cecilia Jonsson (1980 SE/NO) is a visual artist whose research-based projects spans from installation, sculpture, sound, image and kinetic works. Her work is informed by scientific methods and often consists of site-specific, artistic interpretations of phenomena and processes of nature. The projects are developed as investigations of physical and ideological properties of the raw materials that form the basis of human existence, from origins deep down in the earth, to the extraction, transformation and global exploitation.
Jonsson is interested in how matter and material things can participate in, influence and mobilize a variety of social processes as well as the elasticity of both materiality and agency when they take different expression in different disciplinary traditions. By coordinating objective research methods with personal subjective experience, her work fuses biology and history with a materiality that intersects arts, sciences, environmental politics, aesthetics and technology in a contemporary alchemy.
Cecilia Jonsson holds an Master in Fine Art from the Bergen Academy of Art and Design and the Nordic Sound Art Program. Her artistic work has been shown internationally in numerous exhibitions and has received awards such as the COAL Art and Environmental Prize (nominee 2018), the Prix Ars Electronica, Hybrid Art (Honorary Mention 2017), Bio Art & Design Awards (Award 2016) and the VIDA 16.0 International Awards (2nd Prize 2014).