Workshops at Meta.Morf 2010.
As New.Brave.World! are looking into technological aspects of today’s society and art practices, the biennial workshop series takes a look into the recycling aspects of creativity.
Two of the biennial’s workshops are dedicated children, introducing them to possibilities of re-using common household gadgets and electronic components for creative expressions.
[tab:Trondheim Philarmechanic Cobra Youth Orchestra]Trondheim Philarmechanic Cobra Youth Orchestra by Staaplaat Soundsystem, NL.
October 5 – 6 @ ReMida.
In their workshop the Staalplaat Soundsystem will show participating kids that fancy Japanese devices or expensive instruments are not at all needed to make great music – instead they will demonstrate that all you really need can easily be found in everyone’s own kitchen or cellar, if combined with a little bit of research and some playful modification.
During their performances and installations, usually featuring odd machine orchestras constructed from a plethora of found objects, Staalplaat Soundsystem noticed early on that children were fascinated by their way of playfully misusing everyday household utilities. On the invitation of Avanto Festival in Helsinki, they consequently developed their first instrument building workshop for children in the year 2005, and have been refining their concept and approach ever since. At the core of the workshop is the idea of avoiding the ‘copy’ or ‘rebuild’ of what already exists, and instead embarking with the children on a ‘research quest’ for new sound sources and noise-making devices – quite similar to the Soundsystem’s regular working methods: play, experiment, test, trial and error.
Guided by the members of the Staalplaat Soundsystem, the kids will work together in small groups and help each other with their ideas. The end of the workshop will see a joint performance of the young participants together with the Staalplaat Soundsystem in the form of a variation of John Zorn’s ‘Cobra’ concept.
Workshop arranged in cooperation with the ReMida Center.
[tab:(K+K=K)] [lang_en]Komputer + Kunst = Kreativitet (K+K=K)
Workshop for children initiated and organized by prof. Letizia Jaccheri, NTNU.
October 11 – 16 @ ReMida.
Research context
K+K=K is grounded in the research project ArTe,, which aims at enhancing the state of knowledge at the interdisciplinary intersection of Information Technology and the arts. The focus is on creativity, cooperation, and openness of processes and content. The principal objective of the research project is to develop knowledge on the interdisciplinary nature of software production in which the software process interact with artistic process during the creation of heavily software-dependent artworks. Particular attention in the research project is given to open source software. Results of the projects are published in International conferences, journals, books chapters, and as master and PhD theses.
Moreover, ArTe has the objective to increase interests for information technology through art. ArTe has organized a set of workshops targeted at pupils, at their teachers, and other actors such as decision makers, to contribute to increase the understanding of Information Technology and its creativity possibilities. These are documented at the project website. There is focus on open source software technology, like for example Arduino. The technology focus is balanced and enriched with the artistic perspective. The artistic perspective aims at linking the proposed workshops to larger contexts, like Researcher Days, Meta.Morf, Vitensenteret, ReMida center, and the ‘Kulturelle skolesekken’.
Workshops at Meta.Morf
In the framework of Meta.Morf, ReMida Center and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) offers a workshop program for children. Participants will explore a new (homemade) electronic world with the use of recycled materials and Open Source Software. Workshop days for school classes are offered in week 41 (from 11th October to 15th October) and an open workshop is offered to all interested on Saturday 6th November 2010 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The workshops will be held at the ReMida Center.
Seminar about art and Information Technology (IT) and its dissemination to children and youth
In addition to the workshop program, there will be a seminar focused on the theme of art and Information Technology and its dissemination to children and youth. The seminar is targeted toward artists, art mediators, and teachers. The seminar is organized in collaboration with Reggio Emilia Network Norway and NTNU.
The seminar will be held at ReMida Center.
Meta.Morf Children Prize
There will be a children jury award to a Meta.Morf artist. Related to this symbolic award is a sum of 30,000 NOK which goes to the initiative ‘One laptop per child‘. The prize was founded by the local IT community and is awarded in cooperation with NTNU.
Information about workshops, seminar, and prize is available at and
Partners: ReMida Centre Trondheim, NTNU, Kulturbyrået Mesén, TEKS.
Supported by the Arts Council Norway.
[/lang_en] [lang_no]Komputer + Kunst = Kreativitet
Workshop for barn initiert og organisert av prof. Letizia Jaccheri, NTNU.
11. – 16. oktober @ ReMida.
I rammen av Meta.Morf inviterer ReMida senteret i samarbeid med NTNU til et verkstedprogram for barn. Deltakerne skal utforske en ’ny (hjemmelaget) elektronisk verden’ med bruk av resirkulerte materialer og Open Source Softwear. Det tilbys verksteddager til skoleklasser i uke 41 og et åpent verkstedtilbud for alle interesserte den 6. november 2010 fra kl. 10.30 – 16.00.
I tillegg til verkstedprogrammet arrangeres et fagseminar med tematikken kunst og datatekknologi og dens formidling til barn og ungdom. Målgruppen for arrangementet er kunstnere, kunstformidlere, lærere og forskolelærere. Seminaret arrangeres i samarbeid med Reggio Emilia-nettverket Norge og NTNU.
Sted for verkstedprogram og fagseminar er ReMidasenteret.
En barnejury vil dele ut en pris til en Meta.Morf kunstner. Knyttet til denne symbolske prisen er en sum av 30.000 Kroner som går til initiativet “One laptop per child“. Prisen er stiftet av det lokale næringslivet og deles ut i samarbeid med NTNU.
Mer informasjon legges ut etter hvert på og
Samarbeidspartnere: ReMida Senter Trondheim, NTNU, Kulturbyrået Mesén, TEKS.
Støttet av Norsk kulturråd.
[/lang_no] [tab:Acoustic laptop]Acoustic laptop workshop
workshop conducted by Tore Bøe.
October 18- 22 @ ReMida.
Registration: ReMida, att.: Pål Bøyesen
A] first aspect; no password necessary pass the word; there are no secrets
the acoustic laptops IS | a simple wood box with numerous tiny sound objects attached inside | made to amuse and enthuse | fun | or to reveal musical mysteries | amplified by cheap microphones | boosting the volume | connecting to the marrow of sound and otherness of being | a cool gadget for social training | a focus for intimate unwinding | a tool for emotional response with no plastic keys between fingertips and the sound | no other keys necessary | no screen between you and the object of choice | no other screen needed to communicate as it works best offline | objectively; what you touch is what you hear | subjectively; how you listen is up to you…
B] second aspect; unlimited RAM installed down memory lane; drawing crazy patterns in the air
trivial sounds are public domain | wanted or not | the sound of a needle falling is an illusion | then it lands | return to zeros and ones of reality | it be fingers fickling something | unconscious and unneccessary ritual | momentary lapse into the exploration of sound properties (not always nervous tapping) | nanodips into otherworlds | or reality glitches from surroundings | plastic wrapping during music performance | pencil on paper | underwater in bathtub | pouring soda over icecube in glass | newspaper page turning | milk on cereals | emptying ketchup bottle | raincoat hood in stereo | blink-blink after turning on neon lights | fade-out after shutting off tv | bee buzzing around in frantic surround | magic realism in wheening window washing…
C] third aspect; set language platform: [open] challenge; a less annoying communicative tool
we don´t need to invent a new language | or erase esperantic attempts | aware of both wheel and microchip | history is what WAS | prima materia for all that IS | there are no claims to originality or trademarks | even some media-people now know that all these sounds have been used as artistic material | kenyan witchcraft music based on flicking one string repeatedly (minimalism) | cape verdian tin-can percussion | stomp | angstmusik | earcandy composition | far-out rock intros | we are in this together | the analog landscape that unfolds along the digital highway | add to the specter of dialects, sociolects and slangs | develope your own box | or play with someone who has one | don´t worry; perfection leaves nothing to be desired | abstract poetic expression IS basic human urge | music is not that important | art as neutral descriptive verb…
D] fourth aspect; unformatted, system requirements target; brukskunst og ny teknologi
the art of motivation | participation | potential | meeting fluxus-criteria numero uno; “art should be for anyone…” | the closest you will get becoming a tormented artists is a tiny cut in your fingertip | sound objects/instruments? electric/digital? acoustic/analog? the degree of aesthetic design necessary for them to be artified? a pun on the current musthaves? iconography of contemporary consumer culture? | no hurry; all can be discussed over a glass of wine after the first-hand experience of playing them | but fact remains; the acoustic laptops are easily made and played by anyone anywhere knowing to have a good time reconnecting with something tangible.
The workshop will be held at the ReMida Center.
[tab:iPhone / iPad software dev.]iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad Development Workshop
In cooperation with CIANT – International Centre for Art and New Technologies, Prague, Meta.Morf arrange a 6 day introductional workshop in software development for the iPhone and iPad.
October 29 – November 3 @ TEKS
Free workshop for non commercial projects/ developers!
The iPhone/iPad Developer workshop are lead by Matěj Sychra (evangelist, UI/UX designer and developer) and Luděk Dolejský (senior developer).
Workshop description.
First three days will introduce the iOS platform and its main features, AppStore and iTunes from the publisher’s point of view and, of course, the Xcode developer environment and Objective-C programming language.
The Second part will be focused on all the fun that comes with mastering basics of Objective-C and Cocoa for both OS X and iOS, connecting to the developer community and using various external frameworks speeding-up the development process.
The workshop is aimed for Mac owners with just basic programming skills in any kind of C-type programming language who want to write own apps for their iPhone/iPod/iPads.
The workshop will cover following topics:
• DOs and DON’Ts in planning your application
• developer interfaces (Xcode and others)
• monetization and application life-cycle
• beginner’s guide to iOS memory management
• using accellerometer, gyroscope, location information and MapKit
• working with external devices
• submitting to the AppStore
Schedule (click to read):
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