Second Klubb Kanin this autum, also this time at Rockheim. The audience was presented with two acts, Rema Tøsen and MoHa!. Rema Tøsen concists of Sam Andreae, Eirik Havnes and Ole Mofjell, all student from NTNU that are based in Trondheim. They did an improviced piece with 1 prepared saxophone(Sam), 1 drummer(Ole) and 1 guitar/computer/effex(Eirik), this last one utilized the 8 speaker surround system at Rocheim. MoHa! is Morten J. Olsen on drums and Anders Hana on guitar and keys. They delivered an epic agressive bombardment of sensory overloads with their super tigth expression.
[lang_no]Klubb Kanin 21 september 2011[/lang_no][lang_en]Klubb Kanin September 21, 2011[/lang_en]TEKS2011-11-09T14:05:03+01:00