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The Big Challenge: The Iron Ring
June 16, 2019 @ 13:00 – June 19, 2019 @ 19:00
Mixed media-installasjon: Imperata cylindrica gress / Jern-artefakter / Video / Bok
Cecilia Jonssons installasjon THE IRON RING er del av NTNU’s vitenskapsfestival THE BIG CHALLENGE, Søndag 16. til onsdag 19. juni. Åpningstider under festivalen fra 12.00 til 18.00 hver dag.
Les alt om utstillingen her!
Mixed media installation: Imperata cylindrica grass / Iron artefacts / Video / Book
Cecilia Jonsson’s installation THE IRON RING is part of the NTNU science festival THE BIG CHALLENGE between Sunday 16th and Wednesday 19th of June. Festival opening hours are from 12 PM to 6 PM each day.
Read all about the exhibition here!