
TEKS på EvoStar 2008!





TEKS er invitert til Europas viktigste årlige konferanse for evolusjonær datavitenskap, EvoStar 2008, for å presentere prosjektet Trans<>Former #13. Konferansen avholdes i Napoli 25. til 28. mars.

I samarbeide med førsteamanuensis Gunnar Tufte, Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, NTNU, utvikler TEKS en robotskulptur med arbeidstittel Trans< ->Former #13 hvor Tuftes forskning innen kunstig intelligens utgjør en vesentlig del av prosjektet.

Trans<->Former 13









Trans< ->Former #13 (by Espen Gangvik, espen.gangvik.no) continously redraws it´s own positions in space. New shapes are being created in an eternal process, where the movements itself takes part as the sculpting force.

Trans< ->Former #13 is a dynamic sculpture with a set of equal sub-structures with a behaviour sought that continuously redraws its own positions in space. In collaboration with Assosiate professor Gunnar Tufte, Department of computer and information science, NTNU, the artistic vision is trying to be achieved by considering the sculpture as a non-uniform 2D cellular automata.

By including the adaptive and explorative properties of a Cellular Genetic Algorithm in the expression of the moving sculpture, Trans< ->Former #13 is capable of generating a continuous emerging behaviour. The global behaviour is a result of a local EA and control system in each sub-structure. The principles of the work are demonstrated in two experimental approaches using 3D simulation.

The assembled sculpture will have computer controlled joints based on artificial intelligence to be able to change its shape by automatically repositioning its joints. The sculpture parts mutual positions may also be altered by various forms of external trigging.

The sculpture can also have the possibility to interact with the audience at sight, transforming its positions and shape according to the viewers amount and distance. The sculpture is powered by solar panels and is undependent of external wiring.

Transz< ->Former #13: Exploration and Adaption of Evolution Expressed in a Dynamic Sculpture. Author Gunnar Tufte and Espen Gangvik [PDF]









Trans< ->Former prototype with four joints build using LEGO.

Engineered by Scientific assistant Fredrik Widerøe, Dep. of engineering design and materials, NTNU.








































































Fundamentalism vs Evolution- another dilemma of coexistence

You are invited to a live networked performance Thursday 20th March 2008


================================================= Fundamentalism vs Evolution- another dilemma of coexistence DIWOlogue 2 ================================================= As part of the Liminal Screen Programme at BMNI, Banff

Where? 8pm local time in the Colab-lab, JPL Building, BMNI, Banff 2am (GMT) live online in Visitorsstudio, http://visitorsstudio.org ================================================= What? A 30 minute performance will be given by Marc Garrett and Ruth Catlow in the Colab-lab, BMNI at 8pm (local time) and live on the Internet in Visitorsstudio, Furtherfield.org’s real-time online, audio-visual collaborative mixing platform at 2am GMT.

After 30 minutes the mix will open up for everyone who is logged in to Visitorsstudio to join in.

The title for tomorrows performance is inspired by a silent news reel from 1925 called ‘Fundamentalism vs Evolution’ by the Topical Film Company, UK 1925, released last year by the BFI Creative Archive Licence Group. This film represents the blaze of conflict between Science and the Scriptures surrounding the Scopes Monkey trial in the USA; staging a head on collision between two trains representing each position.

Marc and Ruth have collected, edited and looped over 300 media files, trawled from a range of other online archives and blogs: general and special interest, didactic and evangelical. Tomorrow these files will be collided in VisitorsStudio.

Join us to watch, heckle or join the mix and preach yourself! ================================================= Link for Visitorsstudio: http://www.visitorsstudio.org (just register with name and email to contribute to the mix)

This performance is part of an ongoing art and research project: DIWOlogue http://diwologue.net/blog/