Program: SOFT FREEDOM: Trondheim Matchmaking 2005
[changes might happen]

WEDENSDAY evening / THURSDAY evening /

you´ll find detailed descriptions on all the subjects by following the link "PRESENTATIONS AND COMPLEMENTARY INFO" in the menu to the left.

All presentations are held in English.


MONDAY, October 17th-THURSDAY, Oct. 20th [Trondheim Academy of Fine Art]

09.00 – 12.00
Workshop: Envisioning new situations.

Envisioning new situations is an interdisciplinary matchmaking, where professional artists from different fields meet to discuss and produce new ideas in the meeting point between art and new technology. The workshop is being led by Rob van Kranenburg (Amsterdam) – co-director at Virtual Platform, the dutch network organisation for electronic art, Ulla-Maaria Mutanen (Helsinki) and Alan Munro (Glasgow/Trondheim). The workshop is arranged in cooperation with Trondheim Dialog.


[Teaterhuset Avant Garden]

Uli Winters/ Klaus Fehling/ Marcel Keller, Germany:
"Knockings, Beacons, Smoke signals", a play perfomed by puppets.
Shown in coopertaion with die Deutsche Kulturtage in Norwegen 2005 (the German culture festival in Norway 2005).

Knocking Signs. Beacon. Smoke Signals. is an automatic puppet-theatre in which an ensemble of mechanical actors performs a 20 minute play by German author Klaus Fehling. The play's characters attempt to find a way out of their speechlessness with signs, words and signals. But what can once-spoken words, one-sent signals give rise to? One can never be sure.

Tonight the play will be shown at FUSK - a festival for unestablished stage art. FUSK starts at 19.00.


THURSDAY evening, October 20th [Teaterhuset Avant Garden, NOK 50,-/30,-]:

Trine E. Eidsmo, Trondheim, director TEKS, Trondheim: WELCOME!

20.30 Uli Winters/ Klaus Fehling/ Marcel Keller, Germany:
"Knockings, Beacons, Smoke signals", a play perfomed by puppets. Shown in coopertaion with die Deutsche Kulturtage in Norwegen 2005 (the German culture festival in Norway 2005).

Knocking Signs. Beacon. Smoke Signals. is an automatic puppet-theatre in which an ensemble of mechanical actors performs a 20 minute play by German author Klaus Fehling. The play's characters attempt to find a way out of their speechlessness with signs, words and signals. But what can once-spoken words, one-sent signals give rise to? One can never be sure.
Staged and directed by Marcel Keller. Puppets by Uli Winters.

21.00 PURE, Berlin/Wien

Pure´s performances are spanning from ultra minimal drones to digitally processed samples of various origin like analogue synthesisers, classical music, or voice recordings to rhythms and repetitive loops. The careful arrangement over time playing with different dynamics and densities, and a change of abstract and pictorial soundscapes creates a score-like experience to a yet to be shot movie - a different one for each person in the audience.

21.30 Sten Ove Toft, Oslo

With a huge amount of concerts around in Norway and the rest of Europe, and somewhat 40 releases listed on his discography, Sten Ove Toft is one of the most active experimental musicians in Norway as of today. Toft plays heavy noise, based on deep drones and a brutal cascades of crunchy loops.

22.00 87 Central, Washington DC

... 87 Central explores a beatless plane of immanence -aural space folded back to little more than a limpid impulse of shiver and crackle: a low-watt hi-tensible balance between fuzziness and clarity. Drones multiply out of the encrypted hum, dross glints with gold.

Torbjørn Skårild, Nesoddtangen: "Alt som ingenting", short film

A measure of the post-modern space, or playing with the video medium?
It's better to be angry than serious!


FRIDAY, October 21st [NOVA Kurs og konferanse, NOK 50,-]

Trine E. Eidsmo, director of TEKS and curator of TMM 2005, with
co-curator Alan Munro: Introduction

10.20 Øyvind Brandtsegg, Trondheim
"Flyndra" - interactive sound installation

At TMM Øyvind will explain artistic and technical aspects of a sound installation in the sculpture "Flyndra" by Nils Aas, as well as give a presentation of his ongoing research on compositionally enabled instruments for improvisation.

10.40 Peter Votava, Berlin/Wien:
Heart Chamber Orchestra – the living score

HCO consists of 12 professional classical musicians - the Trondheim Sinfonietta and the artist duo PURE.BERGER. The musicians and artists are equipped with ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) sensors. A interplay of audio and video allows for a synaesthetic experience, so the heartbeats of the musicians become audible and visible.

11.00 Martin Rieser, Bristol:

Vertical screens are placed at strategic opposite points of a space. A visitor triggers the presence of a variety of unfocused and evanescent video characters through the use of movement detection devices and interpretative software.

11.30 Gediminas & Nomeda Urbonas, Vilnius
Pro-test Lab; hacking public space in Vilnius

Project investigates what offline or/and online strategies could be
productive to hack the public arena. Project is looking for
technologies to be used to crack the code of new born geographies of
controlled space, that build through the complexity strata of private
and public.

13.00 Vidar Kvalheim, Trondheim:
Intelligent closets, St. Olavs Hospital

Vidar Kvalheim's new closet lets you know when it's run out of trousers and shirts. When it is low on trousers sized 52, for instance, the system orders more from the laundry service. Teknisk Ukeblad (Technology Weekly) noted in 2003 that the St. Olav Hospital in Trondheim can save 40 million NOK in storage expenses with this RFID technology.

13.30 Ulla-Maaria Mutanen, Helsinki:

Ulla-Maaria is a researcher and activist interested in technological
infrastructures, which enable transformations between consumption and production. Based on the Craft Manifesto she will talk about a project that aims at developing the'Long Tail' markets in art, design, and crafting.

14.00 Bjørn Wangen, Malmö:
Artist´s talk: X - I am here

This work is about being. If nobody recognises me, the satellite will.

14.20 Thorbjørn Lausten, Copenhagen:
Artist´s talk: Pictures from afar - scientific visualization

Presentation of a number of works dealing with visualization of scientific data, mostly satellite data, in connextion with the use of electronic communications technology in an art, science technology context.

14.40 Jeff Knowlton, San Diego:

InterUrban is a user driven experience that responds to a participant's ramble through city streets. Telecommunications and transportation bridge the distance between early industrial cities and today. InterUrban runs on a TabletPC with GPS card. Factors such as the distance traveled by the listener, time of day and proximity to fictive events, determine how the narrative unfolds.

15.30 Lalya Gaye, Geneva/Gothenburg:
New Technologies and Everyday Creativity

Lalya Gaye from the Future Applications Lab, Viktoria Institute, will present some of her work where she explores the aesthetic qualities of ubiquitous computing - digital technologies merging with mundane physical objects, environments and activities that can enable new types of creative practices in everyday life.

16.00 Jette Gejl Kristensen, Aarhus:
CAVI / Panoramic Cinema

Jette Gejl Kristensen, visiting professor at the CAVI, Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction, will give a presentation of CAVI's facilities and activities and discuss the potential of the Panorama Cinema as a medium for art and other visual phenomena.

16.30 Håkon Karlsen, Lyngen:
MIT FabLab Lyngen

MIT-Fablab Norway offers the possibility to solve problems and develop ideas in collaboration with the world’s leading research center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


FRIDAY evening, October 21st [Stillverk 1, NOK 60,-]

18.00, 19.00 & 20.00
Uli Winters/ Klaus Fehling/ Marcel Keller, Germany:
"Knockings, Beacons, Smoke signals", a play perfomed by puppets. Shown in coopertaion with die Deutsche Kulturtage in Norwegen 2005 (the German culture festival in Norway 2005).


SATURDAY, October 22nd [NOVA Kurs og konferanse, NOK 50,-]

10.00 Torbjørn Skårild, Trondheim:
short film: "All in all"

...when all is said and done, conclusions are not so important after all.

10.20 Thomas Kvam, Oslo:
The Dream Machine

"The Dream Machine" (made by the artist duo Thomas Kvam and Frode Oldereid) is a realisation of the idea from the 1920ies of the total cinematic experience, where one thought that all human perseption could be simulated through machines. "DreamMachine" is a simulator constructed for total control and manipulation of human perseption.

10.40 Uli Winters, Hamburg:
Artist´s talk

Uli Winters (born 1965), passed his studies of Fine Arts at „Hochschule für Bildende Künste“ in Hamburg with distinction in 1999. He has been taking part in various personal- and group-exhibitions in Germany, Austria, Netherlands, France, and USA.

11.00 Frank Fietzek, Berlin:
Artist´s talk

Frank Fietzek was born in Kiel, Germany, in 1960. Living in Berlin, he is a media artist and has been working as a project director at the Labor für elektronische Medien (LEM) in Hamburg and as a resident professor in Stuttgart, Hamburg, Weimar, and Berlin. Since 1983 his work has been shown in numerous personal and group exhibitions.

11.20 Bengt Sjölén & Danil Lundbäck, Stockholm:

Brainmirror is a mixed reality installation where you can explore your brain through natural interaction. Our presentation will cover the underlying concepts as well as our custom developed technologies.

Tine Bech, London:
Artist´s talk

The artist Tine Bech works with sculpture, drawings, installations and sound, exploring the membrane between the body and the world. By using materials that relate to the body, such as tactile materials, interactive technology and sound, her work seeks to trigger an interaction between the artwork and the viewer.

Tale Næss, Trondheim/Tromsø
Voice. Text.

Working with the performative aspects of the text Tale Næss has developed a fascination for the human voice. This has resulted in a series of works, sometimes in collaboration with other artists from a variety of fields, sometimes solo projects. Some of these work has been shown in a gallery situation, other has been shown in connection with dramatical or theatrical events.

13.20 Envisioning new situations: Workshop conclusions
Conclusions from the workshop Trondheim Dialog goes Matchmaking.

13.40 Hege Tapio, Stavanger:

Integrated into one of the windows of the Stavanger City Terminal's window section facing the Breia Lake, is the pulsating public art work BIOSENSOR. A sensor registers people passing the entrance of the City Terminal, and initiates an animation loop on the display.

14.00 Usman Haque, London:
Surrounding architecture

Consider architecture as something impermanent: how can one design for the ephemeral, knowing that the ephemeral is at every stage just beyond reach? This talk will outline a creative research approach that isinformed by architectural practice through discussion of actual built projects.

14.30 Åsmund Gamlesæter/Alexander Berman, Trondheim/Gothenburg:
Living Wall

The artwork begins with a question: what would happen if the surfaces that surrounds us were given memory and an identity.

14.50 Adam Somlai-Fisher, Budapest:
Ping Genius Loci: aether architecture

Architecture prototype research on the threshold of media and matter, developing a new medium for architecture, that can that participate in our mediated networks.

15.30 Thomas Østerlie, Trondheim

15.50 Pablo Miranda Carranza, Stockholm:
Post-human design: architecture after cybernetics

The incorporation of cybernetic technologies and concepts in architecture, from genetic algorithms to interaction, challenges the notion of design as the legible, rational plot set up by the designer: The results of autonomous creative processes follow paths that no longer form intelligible rational sequences, or respond in their stances to any recognisable human logic. What can then be the aesthetics of this 'post-human' condition in architecture and design?

Rob van Kranenburg, Amsterdam:
RFID as spearheading the pervasive computing revolution

Europe's Future and Emergent Technology Programs as well as the major corporate labs have fallen unequivocally for pervasive computing (ubicomp, ambient intelligence, things that think, i3, Disappearing Computer Initiative ) which for the first time in the history of technology sets forth its own disappearance as technology as fundamental to its success.  The result will be dumb interfaces that hide all keys to the technology that drives it and consequently it will keep citizens from being able not only to fix it when it is broken but to build on it, to play with it, to remake, remodel, reuse it for their own ends.  This being able to negotiate stuff, stuff that is axiomatic thinking embodied, is called: creativity

16.40 Trine E. Eidsmo, Trondheim: Concluding remarks



[Trøndelag Centre of Contemporary Art]

Official Opening of the exhibition "5002"

The exhibition is shown until November 13th. The gallery is open Tuesday, Wedensday, Friday from 10.00 to 15.00, Thursday from 10.00 to 17.00 and Saturday and Sunday from 12.00 to 16.00.

[Bybroen scene, NOK 60,-]

Thomas Kvam and Frode Oldereid´s installation Machine Project 6.1 will be shown throughout Saturday night at Bybroen Scene.

With Machine 6.1 the art-duo Thomas Kvam and Frode Oldereid continues their exploration of bio-mechanical art gone extreme. Their techno-art installation shows a computercontrolled mechanical larva with human features. Onto the biomorph figure they project an audio-visual aura with the aesthetics of a Leni Riefenstahl film. The images are constructed to have the looks of a 30ies movie; scratchy played back in black & white. So the atmosphere becomes historical. As if the catastrophe just happend. Or soon will.

21.00 Øyvind Brandtsegg, Trondheim

Øyvind Brandtsegg explores and researches the relationship between compositon and improvisation, and the use of composing tequnices in improvisation. He develops his own software as "comositionally enabled instruments". Øyvinds "ImproSculpt" live sampler established a new standard with regards to level and complexity for cSound instruments. This evening he plays solo on his Marimba Lumina and cSound. ML is a melodical percussion-interface build by Don Buchla. There exists only 30 - 40 instruments like this.

21.20 Ryfylke, Oslo

A perseption of electronic currents, pounding explotions and the sound of glaciers slowly forming and revealing submerged depths and vertical rockformations stabbing through still sea.

22.00 Sun State, Trondheim/Oslo

Noise duo Sun State is Jon Eriksen (laptop) and Lars Myrvoll (Guitar).
Fire Music.

22.30 HOH, Stavanger

HOH creates physical and tight, but creative electronica. The rumours tell that HOH now is a harder and better live act than ever before. With tunes from the newly released EP "Water/Teeth" (Zang:006) and other new material, you can expect a nicynicy show from this blessed bugger.

23.00 Single Unit

An intriguing blend of heavy rock that recalls the avant-prog RIO bands, metallic hardcore, and spacey electronica hand- delivered by aliens. In an instant the music will transform from swirling organs to frenzied grinding metal.


MNH the rave mastro, and Skagen the reverberate king.


[Stillverk 1, NOK 60,-]

17.00 & 18.00
Uli Winters/ Klaus Fehling/ Marcel Keller, Germany:
"Knockings, Beacons, Smoke signals", a play perfomed by puppets. Shown in coopertaion with die Deutsche Kulturtage in Norwegen 2005 (the German culture festival in Norway 2005).