Thank you to all the participants and crew who made this festival possible!
Review by Hege Faber at
Photo and video from the concert saturday night + a completly random and non objective commentary based photo documentation from all of the 54 hours!-)
TV documentary:

TV documentary: Student TV´en/ TV Norge:
-->STREAMING<-- 800Kb/s. If the stream don´t start, check that you have configured QT to support RTSP.
Alternatively you can copy and paste the adress beneath into your QuickTime Player for Windows or MacOS (check that QT supports RTSP, see the QT-prefs on your machine;-).
Requires broadband capasity, appr: 800Kb/s.
You can also download the documentary (PC:right-click, Mac:ctrl-click):
QuickTime,24MB / WindowsMediaPlayer,38 MB
The festival is financed by Arts Council Norway, and PNEK