

Trine Eidsmo fikk fornyet sin kulturaspirant stilling på TEKS for 2004!

Norsk kulturråd gir tilskot til aspirantstillingar for 2004. Aspirantordninga skal gi kunstnarar i etableringsfasen høve til å utvikle seg kunstnarisk og etablere seg i det yrket ho eller han har valt. Stillingane er jamnt fordelt på institusjonar innanfor musikk, biletkunst og scenekunst.

I fordelinga av stillingane legg Kulturrådet vekt på kva arbeidsoppgåver aspiranten skal ha i verksemda og den kunstnariske kvaliteten på arbeidet. Dessutan har rådet tatt omsyn til kvalifikasjonane til den aspiranten det er søkt tilskot for, arbeidsmarknaden for den aktuelle kunstarten og geografisk fordeling.

Det er sjette året det blir gitt tilskot til aspirantstillingar. Ordninga opnar for tilskot i inntil tre år, men også for 2004 blir det berre gitt tilskot for eitt år. Sju aspirantstillingar held fram frå førre utdeling, då dei etter søknad har fått vidareført stillinga eit år til.




Hvordan styrke kulturlivet gjennom nettverk?

Trondheim Dialog er et tverrfaglig initiativ fra kunstnere og kulturarbeidere i byen.

Vårt mål er å knytte ulike nettverk i byen opp mot hverandre, nettopp fordi vi mener at kunst- og kulturlivet kan og bør nyttegjøre seg den makt, kreativitet og ressurs som ligger i de forskjellige nettverk. Men hvordan? Tirsdag 23. september, kl. 19.00 setter Trondheim Dialog spørsmålet på dagsorden og inviterer til debatt:

-Introduksjon v/Aase-Hilde Brekke

-Muligheter og utfordringer ved samarbeid mellom kultur og næringsliv

v/Elizabeth C. Bjørn-Hansen Føllesdal fra Forum for Kunst og Næringsliv

-Salg av kulturmerkevare til næringslivet

v/Randi Spets, operasjef i Steinvikholm Musikkteater

-Nettverksbygging: Motivasjon og erfaringer

v/Moving Image, Kompetansesenter for film og video


Inngang: kr. 40,-

Åpen kafé/bar hele kvelden.

Vi håper alle kulturinteresserte i byen vil ta turen. Velkommen!

PS: Adressen til Atelier Ilsvika er Ilsvikveien 22 F, men merk at pga byggearbeider er inngang for tiden flyttet til G. (Det betyr at man må rundt hele bygget og ned til siden som vender mot Trolla.)

TRONDHEIM DIALOG er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Atelier Ilsvika, Tara-Media og TEKS.




Høstens første TEKS-MIX:


presenterer i samarbeide med Musikkteknologi, NTNU og Ny Musikk:

Foredrag og performance av KIM CASCONE og HOWARD MOSCOWITZ.

16. september kl. 12:00 og kl. 20:00 på Kjellern, Olavshallen!

Gratis inngang på forelesningene. Kr. 50,- for kveldsarrangementet.


KIM CASCONE, komponist/ musiker, regnes som en av de ledende innen electronica. Prosessorientert/ algoritmisk komposisjon.

Cascone har bakgrunn fra filmmusikk og bl.a. arbeidet med David Lynch på Twin Peaks og Wild at Heart.







HOWARD MOSCOWITZ, komponist/ musiker og ingeniør, involvert i elektronisk musikk siden 1967 og utvikler av noen av de første digitale syntene. Moscowitz samarbeidet bl.a. med Donald Buchla, Electric Symphony Orchestra, tidlig på 70-tallet.







Lecture and performance: “Algorhythmic composition software”.

Tirsdag 16. sep. kl. 12:00 Kjellern.

Moscowitz will look into algorhythmic composition software as an aid to live performance, and the use of very simple anlog synthesis patches to get rich timbres without reverb or other processing. The performance will feature both techniques using a Nord Modular synth.

Howard Moscovitz has been involved in electronic music since 1967 when he started making tape music using a short wave radio as a sound source. He received his Bachelors of Music degree with a major in Theory and Composition in 1970 at Jacksonville University. Jacksonville was one of the first colleges to have one of the new Moog Modular Synthesizers.

In 1969 he studied Musique Concete with Samuel Dolan at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Howard went on to study with Robert Ashley at The Mills College Center of Contemporary Music in Oakland, California. There, he received a Masters of Fine Arts degree in 1997. He also studied Computer Music at Stanford University with Leland Smith, John Chowning, and Jean Claude Risset.

Never satisfied with commercially available musical instruments, Howard began designing his own while still a grad student at Mill College. After working with his mentor, Stanley Lunetta, designing some of the very first digital synthesizers, Howard worked with Donald Buchla on the infamous Electric Symphony Orchestra which gave its one and only performance in 1974 at Berkeley, California. He has designed several unique electronic instruments, including signal processors and sequencers. Some of these were manufactured by Electronic Music Associates in the 1970’s, and are highly desired today among collectors.

Howard earned a Masters in Electrical Engineering degree at the University of California at Berkeley in 1981 and moved to Pennsylvania to work at Bell Laboratories. There, he was on the design team which developed the first Digital Signal Processor (DSP) chip. These chips are now found at the heart of virtually every electronic musical instrument or signal processor in use today.

He retired from corporate America in 2002 and is now devoting his time to composing and music performance. In 2003 he founded electro-music.com a web site dedicated to furthering the art of electronic music.

His music has been performed extensively in the United States, Canada and Europe. He has won several awards for his music, including the Elizabeth Crowley Mills Award for Excellence in Music Composition. Aside from synthesizers, Howard plays the Piano and the Banjo.




Lecture: “Beyond the Aesthetics of Failure”

Tirsdag 16. sep. kl. 13:00 Kjellern.

Abstract: In the year 2000 I wrote a paper for the Computer Music Journal(MIT Press) that outlined a new genre of non-academic electroacoustic music that focussed on the compositional device of ‘technological failure.’( http://www.mediamatic.net/cwolk/view/8470 )

As the use of this device proliferated in electronic music there was a tendency to mimic the outward characteristics of ‘failure’ rather than reach for a

deeper understanding by knowing its historical usage and philosophical framework. In this talk I will present a historical framework for ‘glitch’ as well as some issues surrounding the use of ‘failure’ as a compositional device. The talk will be presented visually via projected text and images

and will incorporate sound examples of electroacoustic pieces that are precursors to the current use of failure by contemporary musicians. I will also address some possible trajectories for developing these devices in the future.


Performance: “Tropes & Sequences”.

Tirsdag 16. sep. kl. 20:00 Kjellern.

A series of new pieces based on ‘extensions’ (in place of the concept of ‘remix’) of legacy electro-acoustic works by Xenakis, Oliveros, and others. “T&S” is an effort to build a connection to current praxis of electronic music performance via historical works by recasting them in a new form using new tools and ideas.

The CD containing hese pieces is currently under development for SubRosa in Belgium and is tentatively scheduled for fall 2003 release.

Kim Cascone

Formally trained in electronic music at the Berklee College of Music and

the New School in New York City. Founded Silent Records in 1986. Worked on David Lynch’s Twin Peaks and Wild at Heart as Assistant Music Editor. Sound designer and composer for Thomas Dolby’s company Headspace. Since 1980, Kim has released over 30 albums of electronic music on Silent, Sub Rosa, Mille Plateaux, Anechoic and 12k to name a few. Cascone has performed/lectured atthe Transmediale/Podewil (Germany), Musée d’Art Moderne (Luxembourg), Tate Modern (London), Leeds Film Festival (UK), Zagreb Music Bienalle (Croatia) with artists such as Scanner, Pauline Oliveros, Oval, Tony Conrad and Ikue Mori.

Cascone was one of the co-founders of the microsound list which focuses on issues concerning digital music and laptop performance.

(http://www.microsound.org) and has written for Computer Music Journal (MIT Press), Artbyte Magazine and Parachute Journal.